AbstractBaseStage | |
AccessOption | |
AccumulateAggregationType | |
AccumulateAggregator | |
AgentStateModel | |
AgentStateModelFactory | |
AggregationType | |
AggregationTypeFactory | |
Aggregator | |
Alert | |
AlertComparator | |
AlertHistory | Maintains a history of alerts that have been fired, as well as actions taken, if any. |
AlertParser | |
AlertProcessor | |
Alerts | Describe alerts and corresponding metrics. |
Alerts.AlertsProperty | Supported fields corresponding to a set of alerts |
AlertsHolder | |
AlertStatus | Get characteristics of alerts, whether they were fired, and their context. |
AlertValueAndStatus | |
AnalyticsTaskFactory | |
AsyncCallback | |
AsyncCallbackService | |
AsyncCallbackService.AsyncCallbackMessageHandler | |
AtomicClusterAccessor | An atomic version of the ClusterAccessor. |
AtomicParticipantAccessor | An atomic version of the ParticipantAccessor. |
AtomicResourceAccessor | An atomic version of the ResourceAccessor. |
AttributeName | |
AutoModeISBuilder | IdealState builder for SEMI_AUTO mode |
AutoRebalanceModeISBuilder | IdealState builder for FULL_AUTO mode |
AutoRebalanceStrategy | |
AutoRebalanceStrategy.DefaultPlacementScheme | Compute preferred placements based on a default strategy that assigns replicas to nodes as evenly as possible while avoiding placing two replicas of the same partition on any node. |
AutoRebalanceStrategy.ReplicaPlacementScheme | Interface for providing a custom approach to computing a replica's affinity to a node. |
BaseDataAccessor<T> | Generic interface for accessing and manipulating data on a backing store like Zookeeper. |
BasicControllerContext | A simple context that can be serialized by a DefaultStringSerializer
BasicRebalancerConfig | Abstract RebalancerConfig that functions for generic subunits. |
BasicRebalancerConfig.AbstractBuilder<T extends AbstractBuilder<T>> | Abstract builder for the base rebalancer config |
BasicZkSerializer | Basic path based serializer which ignores the path and delegates serialization into a regular ZkSerializer |
BatchMessageHandler | |
BatchMessageWrapper | default implementation of handling start/end of batch messages |
BestPossibleStateCalcStage | For partition compute best possible (instance,state) pair based on IdealState,StateModel,LiveInstance |
BestPossibleStateOutput | |
BootstrapHandler | |
BootstrapHandler.BootstrapStateModel | |
BootstrapProcess | This process does little more than handling the state transition messages. |
BootstrapProcess.CustomMessageHandlerFactory | |
ByteArraySerializer |
Cache<T> | |
CallbackHandler | |
ChainedPathZkSerializer | |
ChainedPathZkSerializer.Builder | |
ChangeLog | |
ChangeLogGenerator | |
ChangeLogProcessor | Processes the change log and invokes rsync for every change on the remote machine |
ChangeLogReader | |
ChangeRecord | |
CheckpointFile | |
CLMLogFileAppender | |
Cluster | Represent a logical helix cluster |
ClusterAccessor | |
ClusterAlertItem | |
ClusterAlertItemMBean | |
ClusterAlertMBeanCollection | |
ClusterAlertMBeanCollection.ClusterAlertSummaryMBean | |
ClusterConfig | Configuration properties of a cluster |
ClusterConfig.Builder | Assembles a cluster configuration |
ClusterConfig.Delta | Update context for a ClusterConfig |
ClusterConfiguration | Persisted configuration properties for a cluster |
ClusterConstraints | All of the constraints on a given cluster and its subcomponents, both physical and logical. |
ClusterConstraints.ConstraintAttribute | Attributes on which constraints operate |
ClusterConstraints.ConstraintType | What is being constrained |
ClusterConstraints.ConstraintValue | Possible special values that constraint attributes can take |
ClusterConstraintsBuilder | |
ClusterDataCache | Reads the data from the cluster using data accessor. |
ClusterEvent | |
ClusterExternalViewVerifier | given zk, cluster, and a list of expected live-instances check whether cluster's external-view reaches best-possible states |
ClusterId | Identifies a cluster |
ClusterLiveNodesVerifier | |
ClusterMBeanObserver | |
ClusterMessagingService | Provides the ability to |
ClusterRepresentationUtil | |
ClusterResource | |
ClusterSetup | |
ClustersResource | |
ClusterStateVerifier | |
ClusterStateVerifier.BestPossAndExtViewZkVerifier | verifier that verifies best possible state and external view |
ClusterStateVerifier.MasterNbInExtViewVerifier | |
ClusterStateVerifier.Verifier | |
ClusterStateVerifier.ZkVerifier | |
ClusterStatusMonitor | |
ClusterStatusMonitorMBean | |
ClusterVerifier | |
CommandAttribute | |
CommandConfig | |
CommandConfig.Builder | builder for command-config |
CompatibilityCheckStage | controller checks if participant version is compatible |
ConfigAccessor | Provides access to the persistent configuration of the cluster, the instances that live on it, and the logical resources assigned to it. |
ConfigChangeListener | This interface is deprecated. replaced by InstanceConfigChangeListener |
ConfigResource | |
ConfigScope |
This class is deprecated.
replaced by HelixConfigScope
ConfigScopeBuilder |
This class is deprecated.
replaced by HelixConfigScopeBuilder
ConsistentHashingMasterSlaveStrategy | |
ConsistentHashingMasterSlaveStrategy.FnvHash | The default string hash function. |
ConsistentHashingMasterSlaveStrategy.HashFunction | Interface to calculate the hash function value of a string |
ConstraintBasedAssignment | Collection of functions that will compute the best possible state based on the participants and the rebalancer configuration of a resource. |
ConstraintId | Identifies a constraint item on the cluster |
ConstraintItem | A single constraint and its associated attributes |
ConstraintItemBuilder | |
ConstraintResource | |
Consumer | |
ConsumerStateModel | |
ConsumerStateModelFactory | |
ConsumerThread | |
ContextId | Identifies a context |
Controller | A helix controller |
ControllerAccessor | |
ControllerChangeListener | Interface to implement to respond to controller changes. |
ControllerContext | Controller stages can implement this interface to set and get persistent state |
ControllerContextHolder | Wrap a ControllerContext so that it can be persisted in the backing store
ControllerContextProvider | An interface for getting and setting ControllerContext objects, which will eventually
be persisted and accessible across runs of the controller pipeline. |
ControllerId | Identifies Helix nodes that take on the CONTROLLER role |
ControllerManagerHelper | helper class for controller manager |
ControllerResource | |
ControllerStatusUpdateResource | |
CountTask | |
Criteria | Describes various properties that operations involving Message delivery will follow. |
Criteria.DataSource | |
CriteriaEvaluator | |
CurrentState | Current states of partitions in a resource for an instance. |
CurrentState.CurrentStateProperty | Lookup keys for the current state |
CurrentStateBuilder | Assemble a CurrentState |
CurrentStateChangeListener | Interface to implement to respond to changes in the current state |
CurrentStateComputationStage | For each LiveInstances select currentState and message whose sessionId matches sessionId from LiveInstance Get Partition,State for all the resources computed in previous State [ResourceComputationStage] |
CurrentStateOutput | |
CurrentStateResource | |
CurrentStatesResource | |
CurrentStateUpdate | |
CustomCodeCallbackHandler | Callback interface to running custom code on Helix participant manager The custom code will be triggered on user specified cluster changes |
CustomCodeInvoker | |
CustomModeISBuilder | IdealState builder for CUSTOMIZED mode |
CustomRebalancer | |
CustomRebalancerConfig | RebalancerConfig for a resource that should be rebalanced in CUSTOMIZED mode. |
CustomRebalancerConfig.Builder | Build a CustomRebalancerConfig. |
Emitter | |
Error | Defines an error that occurs in computing a valid ideal state or external view |
ErrorResource | |
ErrorsResource | |
EspressoRelayStrategy | |
ExampleHelper | |
ExampleProcess | |
ExpandOperator | |
ExpressionOperatorType | |
ExpressionParser | |
ExternalCommand | Wrapper for running commands outside of the JVM |
ExternalCommand | |
ExternalView | External view is an aggregation (across all instances) of current states for the partitions in a resource |
ExternalViewChangeListener | Interface to implement to be notified of changes to the external view |
ExternalViewComputeStage | |
ExternalViewGenerator | |
ExternalViewResource |
FallbackRebalancer | This class is intented for use to wrap usages of Rebalancer . |
FileChangeWatcher | |
FileStore | |
FileStoreStateModel | |
FileStoreStateModelFactory | |
FileSystemWatchService | |
FilterTask | |
FullAutoRebalancer | |
FullAutoRebalancerConfig | RebalancerConfig for FULL_AUTO rebalancing mode. |
FullAutoRebalancerConfig.Builder | Builder for a full auto rebalancer config. |
GenericHelixController | Cluster Controllers main goal is to keep the cluster state as close as possible to Ideal State. |
GenericLeaderStandbyModel | |
GenericLeaderStandbyStateModelFactory | |
GreaterAlertComparator | |
GroupCommit | Support committing updates to data such that they are ordered for each key |
GroupMessageHandler |
HealthDataCache | |
HealthReportProvider | |
HealthStat | Represents a set of properties that can be queried to determine the health of instances on a Helix-managed cluster |
HealthStat.HealthStatProperty | Queryable health statistic properties |
HealthStateChangeListener | Interface to implement to listen for when a health status event is triggered. |
HealthStatsAggregationTask | |
HealthStatsAggregator | |
HelixAdmin | |
HelixAdminWebApp | |
HelixAgentMain | |
HelixAutoController | Autonomous controller |
HelixBatchMessageTask | |
HelixConfigScope | config-scope that replaces @link ConfigScope |
HelixConfigScope.ConfigScopeProperty | Defines the various scopes of configs, and how they are represented on Zookeeper |
HelixConfigScopeBuilder | config-scope builder that replaces @link ConfigScopeBuilder |
HelixConnection | Helix connection (aka helix manager) |
HelixConnectionAdaptor | Adapt helix-connection to helix-manager, so we can pass to callback-handler and notification-context |
HelixConnectionStateListener | |
HelixConstants | |
HelixConstants.ChangeType | |
HelixConstants.ClusterConfigType | |
HelixConstants.StateModelToken | |
HelixController | |
HelixControllerMain | |
HelixCustomCodeRunner | This provides the ability for users to run a custom code in exactly one process using a LeaderStandBy state model. |
HelixDataAccessor | Interface used to interact with Helix Data Types like IdealState, Config, LiveInstance, Message, ExternalView etc PropertyKey represent the HelixData type. |
HelixDefinedState | helix defined states ERROR : when errors happen during state transitions, transit to ERROR state participant will also invoke state-model.on-err(), ignore errors in state-model.on-err() when drop resource in ERROR state and not disabled, controller sends ERROR->DROPPED transition if errors happen in ERROR->DROPPED transition, participant will disable resource/partition when disable resource/partition in ERROR state, resource/partition will be marked disabled but controller not send any transitions when reset resource/partition in ERROR state and not disabled controller send ERROR->initial-state transition if errors happen in ERROR->initial-state transition, remain in ERROR state DROPPED : when drop resource in a non-ERROR state and not disabled controller sends all the transitions from current-state to initial-state then sends initial-state->DROPPED transition |
HelixException | Base class for an exception thrown by Helix due to inconsistencies caught by Helix itself. |
HelixGroupCommit<T> | |
HelixLock | Generic (distributed) lock for Helix-related persisted updates |
HelixLockable | Implemented by any Helix construct that is lockable and is able to return a HelixLock instance |
HelixManager | Class that represents the Helix Agent. |
HelixManagerFactory | Obtain one of a set of Helix cluster managers, organized by the backing system. |
HelixManagerProperties | hold helix-manager properties read from helix-core/src/main/resources/cluster-manager.properties |
HelixManagerShutdownHook | Shutdown hook for helix manager Working for kill -2/-15 NOT working for kill -9 |
HelixParticipant | Helix participant |
HelixProperty | A wrapper class for ZNRecord. |
HelixProperty.HelixPropertyAttribute | |
HelixPropertyListener | |
HelixPropertyStore<T> | |
HelixRebalancer | Allows one to come up with custom implementation of a rebalancer. |
HelixRole | helix-role i.e. |
HelixService | Operational methods of a helix role |
HelixStageLatencyMonitor | |
HelixStageLatencyMonitorMBean | |
HelixStateMachineEngine | |
HelixStateModelFactory<T extends StateModel> | State model factory that uses concrete id classes instead of strings. |
HelixStateModelFactoryAdaptor<T extends StateModel> | |
HelixStateTransitionHandler | |
HelixStateTransitionHandler.HelixStateMismatchException | |
HelixTask | |
HelixTaskExecutor | |
HelixTaskResult | |
HelixTimerTask | Interface for defining a generic task to run periodically. |
HelixUtil | |
HelixVersion | Helix version (e.g. |
HierarchicalDataHolder<T> | Generic class that will read the data given the root path. |
Id | Generic identifier for Helix constructs |
IdealState | The ideal states of all partitions in a resource |
IdealState.IdealStateModeProperty | Deprecated. |
IdealState.IdealStateProperty | Properties that are persisted and are queryable for an ideal state |
IdealState.RebalanceMode | The mode used for rebalance. |
IdealStateBuilder | |
IdealStateBuilderExample | |
IdealStateChangeListener | Interface to implement to listen for changes to the ideal state of resources. |
IdealStateExample | Ideal state json format file used in this example for CUSTOMIZED ideal state mode
{ "id" : "TestDB", "mapFields" : { "TestDB_0" : { "localhost_12918" : "MASTER", "localhost_12919" : "SLAVE", "localhost_12920" : "SLAVE" }, "TestDB_1" : { "localhost_12918" : "MASTER", "localhost_12919" : "SLAVE", "localhost_12920" : "SLAVE" }, "TestDB_2" : { "localhost_12918" : "MASTER", "localhost_12919" : "SLAVE", "localhost_12920" : "SLAVE" }, "TestDB_3" : { "localhost_12918" : "MASTER", "localhost_12919" : "SLAVE", "localhost_12920" : "SLAVE" } }, "listFields" : { }, "simpleFields" : { "IDEAL_STATE_MODE" : "CUSTOMIZED", "NUM_PARTITIONS" : "4", "REPLICAS" : "3", "STATE_MODEL_DEF_REF" : "MasterSlave", "STATE_MODEL_FACTORY_NAME" : "DEFAULT" } } |
IdealStateResource | |
InstanceConfig | Instance configurations |
InstanceConfig.InstanceConfigProperty | Configurable characteristics of an instance |
InstanceConfigChangeListener | Interface to implement to listen for changes to instance configurations. |
InstanceResource | |
InstancesResource | |
InstanceType | CONTROLLER: cluster managing component is a controller PARTICIPANT: participate in the cluster state changes SPECTATOR: interested in the state changes in the cluster CONTROLLER_PARTICIPANT: special participant that competes for the leader of CONTROLLER_CLUSTER used in cluster controller of distributed mode {@HelixControllerMain } |
IntegrationTest | |
IntegrationTestUtil | collection of test utilities for integration tests |
JacksonPayloadSerializer | Serializes and deserializes data of a generic type using Jackson |
JmxDumper | |
JoinTask | |
JsonParameters |
LeaderHistory | The history of instances that have served as the leader controller |
LeaderStandbyStateModelFactory | |
LeaderStandbyStateModelFactory.LeaderStandbyStateModel | |
LiveInstance | Instance that connects to zookeeper (stored ephemerally) |
LiveInstance.LiveInstanceProperty | Saved properties of a live instance |
LiveInstanceChangeListener | Interface to implement to listen for live instance changes. |
LiveInstanceInfoProvider | Interface to provide additional information about a live instance at creation time |
LocalZKServer | Provides ability to start zookeeper locally on a particular port |
Lock | |
Lock | |
LockFactory | |
LockFactory | This factory allows a participant to get the appropriate state model callbacks for the lock manager state model. |
LockManagerDemo | |
LockManagerDemo | |
LockManagerRebalancer | |
LockProcess | |
LockProcess | |
LogicalModelExample | Example showing all major interactions with the new Helix logical model |
LogicalModelExample.LockUnlockFactory | State model factory for lock-unlock |
LogicalModelExample.LockUnlockStateModel | Dummy state model that just prints state transitions for the lock-unlock model |
NamespacedConfig | Generic configuration of Helix components prefixed with a namespace |
NewClusterSetup | Parse command line and call helix-admin |
NewClusterSetup.HelixOption | List all helix cluster setup options |
NotificationContext | Metadata associated with a notification event and the current state of the cluster |
NotificationContext.MapKey | keys used for object map |
NotificationContext.Type | Valid types of notifications |
OnlineOfflineStateModelFactory | |
OnlineOfflineStateModelFactory.OnlineOfflineStateModel | |
Operator |
Participant | A cluster participant |
ParticipantAccessor | |
ParticipantConfig | Configuration properties of a Helix participant |
ParticipantConfig.Builder | Assemble a participant |
ParticipantConfig.Delta | Update context for a ParticipantConfig |
ParticipantHealthReportCollector | |
ParticipantHealthReportCollectorImpl | |
ParticipantHealthReportTask | |
ParticipantId | |
ParticipantManagerHelper | helper class for participant-manager |
ParticipantMonitor | |
Partition | A partition of a resource |
Partition | A distinct partition of a resource Deprecated. |
PartitionConfiguration | Persisted configuration properties for a partition |
PartitionedRebalancerConfig | RebalancerConfig for a resource whose subunits are partitions. |
PartitionedRebalancerConfig.AbstractBuilder<T extends AbstractBuilder<T>> | Abstract builder for a generic partitioned resource rebalancer config |
PartitionedRebalancerConfig.Builder | Builder for a basic data rebalancer config |
PartitionId | |
PathBasedZkSerializer | |
PathUtils | Path related utilities |
PauseSignal | Represent a pause in the cluster |
PayloadSerializer | Interface for converting back and forth between raw bytes and generic objects |
PerformanceHealthReportProvider | |
PersistAssignmentStage | Persist the ResourceAssignment of each resource that went through rebalancing |
PersistContextStage | Persist all dirty contexts set in the controller pipeline |
PersistentStats | Statistics for an instance |
PersistentStats.PersistentStatsProperty | High-level properties to provide context for these statistics |
Pipeline | |
PipelineRegistry | |
PreConnectCallback | Called to allow definition of tasks prior to connecting to Zookeeper |
ProcessMonitorThread | thread for monitoring a pid |
ProcId | |
PropertyChangeListener<T> | Callback interface on property changes |
PropertyItem | |
PropertyJsonComparator<T> | |
PropertyJsonSerializer<T> | |
PropertyKey | Key allowing for type-safe lookups of and conversions to HelixProperty objects. |
PropertyKey.Builder | PropertyKey builder for a cluster |
PropertyPathConfig | Utility mapping properties to their Zookeeper locations |
PropertySerializer<T> | Serializer interface for property store |
PropertyStat | |
PropertyStoreException | This exception class can be used to indicate any exception during operation on the propertystore |
PropertyType | Types of data stored on Zookeeper by Helix |
Quickstart |
ReadClusterDataStage | |
ReadHealthDataStage | |
Rebalancer | Allows one to come up with custom implementation of a rebalancer. |
RebalancerConfig | Defines the state available to a rebalancer. |
RebalancerConfigHolder | Configuration for a resource rebalancer. |
RebalancerRef | Reference to a class that extends HelixRebalancer . |
RebalanceUtil | |
RedisTaskResultStore | |
ReplicatedRebalancerConfig | Methods specifying a rebalancer config that allows replicas. |
Replicator | |
ReportTask | |
Resource | Represent a resource entity in helix cluster |
Resource | A resource contains a set of partitions and its replicas are managed by a state model |
ResourceAccessor | |
ResourceAssignment | Represents the assignments of replicas for an entire resource, keyed on partitions of the resource. |
ResourceAssignmentBuilder | Build an ideal assignment of resources |
ResourceComputationStage | This stage computes all the resources in a cluster. |
ResourceConfig | Full configuration of a Helix resource. |
ResourceConfig.Builder | Assembles a ResourceConfig |
ResourceConfig.Delta | Update context for a ResourceConfig |
ResourceConfig.ResourceType | Type of a resource. |
ResourceConfiguration | Persisted configuration properties for a resource |
ResourceConfiguration.Fields | |
ResourceCurrentState | |
ResourceGroupResource | |
ResourceGroupsResource | |
ResourceId | Identifies a resource |
ResourceMonitor | |
ResourceMonitorMBean | |
RestAdminApplication | |
RoutingTableProvider | |
RsyncDaemon | |
RsyncInvoker | |
RunningInstance | A running attributes of a helix instance |
RUSHMasterSlaveStrategy | |
RUSHrHash |
Task | |
TaskAssignmentStage | |
TaskCluster | |
TaskExecutionDemo | Demo for execution of task Dag using primitives provided by Helix. |
TaskExecutor | |
TaskFactory | |
TaskResultStore | |
TaskStateModel | |
TaskStateModelFactory | |
Test | |
TestCommand | |
TestCommand.CommandType | |
TestCommand.NodeOpArg | |
TestExecutor | a test is structured logically as a list of commands a command has three parts: COMMAND
| TRIGGER | ARG'S COMMAND could be: modify, verify, start, stop
TRIGGER is optional and consists of start-time, timeout, and expect-value which means
the COMMAND is triggered between [start-time, start-time + timeout] and is triggered
when the value in concern equals to expect-value
ARG's format depends on COMMAND if COMMAND is modify/verify, arg is in form of:
TestExecutor.ZnodePropertyType | SIMPLE: simple field change LIST: list field change MAP: map field change ZNODE: entire znode change |
TestTrigger | |
Transition | Defines a transition from one state to another |
Transition | |
Tuple<T> |
UserConfig | Generic user-defined configuration of Helix components |
WindowAggregationType | |
WindowAggregator | |
Worker | Generic Worker that is a HELIX Participant which on start up joins the cluster and waits for state transitions from Helix. |
WriteThroughCache<T> |
YAMLClusterSetup | Supports HelixAdmin operations specified by a YAML configuration file defining a cluster, resources, participants, etc. |
YAMLClusterSetup.YAMLClusterConfig | Java wrapper for the YAML input file |
YAMLClusterSetup.YAMLClusterConfig.ParticipantConfig | |
YAMLClusterSetup.YAMLClusterConfig.ResourceConfig | |
YAMLClusterSetup.YAMLClusterConfig.ResourceConfig.ConstraintsConfig | |
YAMLClusterSetup.YAMLClusterConfig.ResourceConfig.ConstraintsConfig.StateConstraintsConfig | |
YAMLClusterSetup.YAMLClusterConfig.ResourceConfig.ConstraintsConfig.TransitionConstraintsConfig | |
YAMLClusterSetup.YAMLClusterConfig.ResourceConfig.StateModelConfig |
ZkAsyncCallbacks | |
ZkBaseDataAccessor<T> | |
ZkBaseDataAccessor.AccessResult | structure holding return information |
ZkCacheBaseDataAccessor<T> | |
ZkCacheEventThread | |
ZkCallbackCache<T> | |
ZkCallbackHandler | This is a copy of CallbackHandler We need to synchronize on ZkHelixConnection
instead ofHelixManager to avoid dead-lock. |
ZkChildResource | |
ZkClient | ZKClient does not provide some functionalities, this will be used for quick fixes if any bug found in ZKClient or if we need additional features but can't wait for the new ZkClient jar Ideally we should commit the changes we do here to ZKClient. |
ZKClientPool | |
ZKDumper | Dumps the Zookeeper file structure on to Disk |
ZKExceptionHandler | |
ZKHelixAdmin | |
ZkHelixAutoController | |
ZkHelixConnection | |
ZkHelixController | |
ZKHelixDataAccessor | |
ZkHelixLeaderElection | |
ZKHelixLock | Locking scheme for Helix that uses the ZooKeeper exclusive lock implementation Please use the following lock order convention: Cluster, Participant, Resource, Partition WARNING: this is not a reentrant lock |
ZKHelixManager | |
ZkHelixParticipant | |
ZkHelixPropertyStore<T> | |
ZkListener | |
ZkLogAnalyzer | |
ZkLogCSVFormatter | |
ZKLogFormatter | |
ZKPathDataDumpTask | |
ZkPathResource | |
ZkPropertyTransferApplication | Restlet application for ZkPropertyTransfer server |
ZkPropertyTransferClient | |
ZKPropertyTransferServer | Controller side restlet server that receives ZNRecordUpdate requests from clients, and batch the ZNRecordUpdate and apply them to zookeeper. |
ZKUtil | |
ZNode | |
ZnodeOpArg | |
ZnodeValue | |
ZNRecord | Generic Record Format to store data at a Node This can be used to store simpleFields mapFields listFields |
ZNRecordAssembler | Constructs ZNRecords from collections of ZNRecords |
ZNRecordBucketizer | Operations to divide a ZNRecord into specified buckets |
ZNRecordDelta | A ZNRecord container that specifies how it should be merged with another ZNRecord |
ZNRecordDelta.MergeOperation | Supported methods of updating a ZNRecord |
ZNRecordJsonSerializer | |
ZNRecordRow | A Normalized form of ZNRecord |
ZNRecordSerializer | |
ZNRecordStreamingSerializer | |
ZNRecordUpdate | Unit of transfered ZNRecord updates. |
ZNRecordUpdate.OpCode | |
ZNRecordUpdater | Class that specifies how a ZNRecord should be updated with another ZNRecord |
ZNRecordUpdateResource | REST resource for ZkPropertyTransfer server to receive PUT requests that submits ZNRecordUpdates |
ZNRecordUtil |