public class


extends Object
implements ControllerContext
   ↳ org.apache.helix.controller.context.BasicControllerContext

Class Overview

A simple context that can be serialized by a DefaultStringSerializer


Public Constructors
BasicControllerContext(ContextId id)
Instantiate with an id
Public Methods
ContextId getId()
Get the identifier of this context
Class<? extends StringSerializer> getSerializerClass()
Get the class that can be used to convert this object to and from a String
void setSerializerClass(Class<? extends StringSerializer> serializer)
Set the class that can serialize this object into a String, and back
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object
From interface org.apache.helix.controller.context.ControllerContext

Public Constructors

public BasicControllerContext (ContextId id)

Instantiate with an id

id ContextId, unique among all contexts in this cluster

Public Methods

public ContextId getId ()

Get the identifier of this context


public Class<? extends StringSerializer> getSerializerClass ()

Get the class that can be used to convert this object to and from a String


public void setSerializerClass (Class<? extends StringSerializer> serializer)

Set the class that can serialize this object into a String, and back

serializer StringSerializer implementation class