org.apache.helix | Provide the classes necessary to create a Helix cluster manager
General flow Default implementations availablemanager = HelixManagerFactory.getManagerForROLE(); ROLE can be participant, spectator or a controller |
org.apache.helix.agent | |
org.apache.helix.alerts | Classes for Helix alerts |
org.apache.helix.api | |
org.apache.helix.api.accessor | |
org.apache.helix.api.config | | | |
org.apache.helix.controller | Helix cluster controller |
org.apache.helix.controller.context | |
org.apache.helix.controller.pipeline | Helix controller pipeline classes that process cluster changes |
org.apache.helix.controller.rebalancer | |
org.apache.helix.controller.rebalancer.config | |
org.apache.helix.controller.rebalancer.util | |
org.apache.helix.controller.restlet | Restlet server for Helix controller |
org.apache.helix.controller.serializer | |
org.apache.helix.controller.stages | Stages in Helix controller pipelines |
org.apache.helix.controller.strategy | |
org.apache.helix.examples | Examples of using Helix cluster manager |
org.apache.helix.filestore | |
org.apache.helix.healthcheck | Helix health check classes |
org.apache.helix.lock | |
org.apache.helix.lock.zk | |
org.apache.helix.lockmanager | |
org.apache.helix.manager.zk | zookeeper-based implementation of Helix cluster manager |
org.apache.helix.manager.zk.serializer | |
org.apache.helix.messaging | Helix message handling classes |
org.apache.helix.messaging.handling | Helix default implementation for handling state transition messages and controller messages |
org.apache.helix.model | Helix classes for all types of znodes |
org.apache.helix.model.builder | |
org.apache.helix.model.util | |
org.apache.helix.monitoring | Helix monitoring classes |
org.apache.helix.monitoring.mbeans | Helix jmx bean classes |
org.apache.helix.participant | Helix implementation of participant classes |
org.apache.helix.participant.statemachine | Helix state model definitions for participant | | |
org.apache.helix.servicediscovery | |
org.apache.helix.spectator | Helix default implementation of a cluster spectator | | Helix application property store classes | | Helix implementation of zookeeper-based property store |
org.apache.helix.taskexecution | | | Helix tools classes |
org.apache.helix.userdefinedrebalancer | |
org.apache.helix.util | Helix utility classes |
org.apache.helix.webapp | |
org.apache.helix.webapp.resources |