Helix Tutorial: Admin Operations
Helix provides a set of admin APIs for cluster management operations. They are supported via:
- Java API
- Command Line Interface
- REST Interface via helix-admin-webapp
Java API
See interface org.apache.helix.HelixAdmin
Command Line Interface
The command line tool comes with helix-core package:
Get the command line tool:
git clone https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/helix.git
cd helix
git checkout tags/helix-1.4.3
cd helix-core/target/helix-core-pkg/bin
chmod +x *.sh
Get help:
./helix-admin.sh --help
All other commands have this form:
./helix-admin.sh --zkSvr <ZookeeperServerAddress> <command> <parameters>
Supported Commands
Command Syntax | Description |
--activateCluster <clusterName controllerCluster true/false> | Enable/disable a cluster in distributed controller mode |
--addCluster <clusterName> | Add a new cluster |
--addIdealState <clusterName resourceName fileName.json> | Add an ideal state to a cluster |
--addInstanceTag <clusterName instanceName tag> | Add a tag to an instance |
--addNode <clusterName instanceId> | Add an instance to a cluster |
--addResource <clusterName resourceName partitionNumber stateModelName> | Add a new resource to a cluster |
--addResourceProperty <clusterName resourceName propertyName propertyValue> | Add a resource property |
--addStateModelDef <clusterName fileName.json> | Add a State model definition to a cluster |
--dropCluster <clusterName> | Delete a cluster |
--dropNode <clusterName instanceId> | Remove a node from a cluster |
--dropResource <clusterName resourceName> | Remove an existing resource from a cluster |
--enableCluster <clusterName true/false> | Enable/disable a cluster |
--enableInstance <clusterName instanceId true/false> | Enable/disable an instance |
--enablePartition <true/false clusterName nodeId resourceName partitionName> | Enable/disable a partition |
--getConfig <configScope configScopeArgs configKeys> | Get user configs |
--getConstraints <clusterName constraintType> | Get constraints |
--help | print help information |
--instanceGroupTag <instanceTag> | Specify instance group tag, used with rebalance command |
--listClusterInfo <clusterName> | Show information of a cluster |
--listClusters | List all clusters |
--listInstanceInfo <clusterName instanceId> | Show information of an instance |
--listInstances <clusterName> | List all instances in a cluster |
--listPartitionInfo <clusterName resourceName partitionName> | Show information of a partition |
--listResourceInfo <clusterName resourceName> | Show information of a resource |
--listResources <clusterName> | List all resources in a cluster |
--listStateModel <clusterName stateModelName> | Show information of a state model |
--listStateModels <clusterName> | List all state models in a cluster |
--maxPartitionsPerNode <maxPartitionsPerNode> | Specify the max partitions per instance, used with addResourceGroup command |
--rebalance <clusterName resourceName replicas> | Rebalance a resource |
--removeConfig <configScope configScopeArgs configKeys> | Remove user configs |
--removeConstraint <clusterName constraintType constraintId> | Remove a constraint |
--removeInstanceTag <clusterName instanceId tag> | Remove a tag from an instance |
--removeResourceProperty <clusterName resourceName propertyName> | Remove a resource property |
--resetInstance <clusterName instanceId> | Reset all erroneous partitions on an instance |
--resetPartition <clusterName instanceId resourceName partitionName> | Reset an erroneous partition |
--resetResource <clusterName resourceName> | Reset all erroneous partitions of a resource |
--setConfig <configScope configScopeArgs configKeyValueMap> | Set user configs |
--setConstraint <clusterName constraintType constraintId constraintKeyValueMap> | Set a constraint |
--swapInstance <clusterName oldInstance newInstance> | Swap an old instance with a new instance |
--zkSvr <ZookeeperServerAddress> | Provide zookeeper address |
REST Interface
The REST interface comes wit helix-admin-webapp package:
git clone https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/helix.git
cd helix
git checkout tags/helix-1.4.3
cd helix-admin-webapp/target/helix-admin-webapp-pkg/bin
chmod +x *.sh
./run-rest-admin.sh --zkSvr <zookeeperAddress> --port <port> // make sure ZooKeeper is running
URL and support methods
- List all clusters
curl http://localhost:8100/clusters
- Add a cluster
curl -d 'jsonParameters={"command":"addCluster","clusterName":"MyCluster"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8100/clusters
- List cluster information
curl http://localhost:8100/clusters/MyCluster
- Enable/disable a cluster in distributed controller mode
curl -d 'jsonParameters={"command":"activateCluster","grandCluster":"MyControllerCluster","enabled":"true"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8100/clusters/MyCluster
- Remove a cluster
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8100/clusters/MyCluster
- List all resources in a cluster
curl http://localhost:8100/clusters/MyCluster/resourceGroups
- Add a resource to cluster
curl -d 'jsonParameters={"command":"addResource","resourceGroupName":"MyDB","partitions":"8","stateModelDefRef":"LeaderStandby" }' -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8100/clusters/MyCluster/resourceGroups
- List resource information
curl http://localhost:8100/clusters/MyCluster/resourceGroups/MyDB
- Drop a resource
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8100/clusters/MyCluster/resourceGroups/MyDB
- Reset all erroneous partitions of a resource
curl -d 'jsonParameters={"command":"resetResource"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8100/clusters/MyCluster/resourceGroups/MyDB
- Rebalance a resource
curl -d 'jsonParameters={"command":"rebalance","replicas":"3"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8100/clusters/MyCluster/resourceGroups/MyDB/idealState
- Add an ideal state
echo jsonParameters={ "command":"addIdealState" }&newIdealState={ "id" : "MyDB", "simpleFields" : { "IDEAL_STATE_MODE" : "AUTO", "NUM_PARTITIONS" : "8", "REBALANCE_MODE" : "SEMI_AUTO", "REPLICAS" : "0", "STATE_MODEL_DEF_REF" : "LeaderStandby", "STATE_MODEL_FACTORY_NAME" : "DEFAULT" }, "listFields" : { }, "mapFields" : { "MyDB_0" : { "localhost_1001" : "LEADER", "localhost_1002" : "STANDBY" } } } > newIdealState.json curl -d @'./newIdealState.json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:8100/clusters/MyCluster/resourceGroups/MyDB/idealState
- Add resource property
curl -d 'jsonParameters={"command":"addResourceProperty","REBALANCE_TIMER_PERIOD":"500"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8100/clusters/MyCluster/resourceGroups/MyDB/idealState
- Show resource external view
curl http://localhost:8100/clusters/MyCluster/resourceGroups/MyDB/externalView
- List all instances
curl http://localhost:8100/clusters/MyCluster/instances
- Add an instance
curl -d 'jsonParameters={"command":"addInstance","instanceNames":"localhost_1001"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8100/clusters/MyCluster/instances
- Swap an instance
curl -d 'jsonParameters={"command":"swapInstance","oldInstance":"localhost_1001", "newInstance":"localhost_1002"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8100/clusters/MyCluster/instances
- Show instance information
curl http://localhost:8100/clusters/MyCluster/instances/localhost_1001
- Enable/disable an instance
curl -d 'jsonParameters={"command":"enableInstance","enabled":"false"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8100/clusters/MyCluster/instances/localhost_1001
- Drop an instance
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8100/clusters/MyCluster/instances/localhost_1001
- Disable/enable partitions on an instance
curl -d 'jsonParameters={"command":"enablePartition","resource": "MyDB","partition":"MyDB_0", "enabled" : "false"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8100/clusters/MyCluster/instances/localhost_1001
- Reset an erroneous partition on an instance
curl -d 'jsonParameters={"command":"resetPartition","resource": "MyDB","partition":"MyDB_0"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8100/clusters/MyCluster/instances/localhost_1001
- Reset all erroneous partitions on an instance
curl -d 'jsonParameters={"command":"resetInstance"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8100/clusters/MyCluster/instances/localhost_1001
- Get user cluster level config
curl http://localhost:8100/clusters/MyCluster/configs/cluster
- Set user cluster level config
curl -d 'jsonParameters={"command":"setConfig","configs":"key1=value1,key2=value2"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8100/clusters/MyCluster/configs/cluster
- Remove user cluster level config
curl -d 'jsonParameters={"command":"removeConfig","configs":"key1,key2"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8100/clusters/MyCluster/configs/cluster
- Get/set/remove user participant level config
curl -d 'jsonParameters={"command":"setConfig","configs":"key1=value1,key2=value2"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8100/clusters/MyCluster/configs/participant/localhost_1001
- Get/set/remove resource level config
curl -d 'jsonParameters={"command":"setConfig","configs":"key1=value1,key2=value2"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8100/clusters/MyCluster/configs/resource/MyDB
- Show controller information
curl http://localhost:8100/clusters/MyCluster/Controller
- Enable/disable cluster
curl -d 'jsonParameters={"command":"enableCluster","enabled":"false"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8100/clusters/MyCluster/Controller
- Get information for zookeeper path
curl http://localhost:8100/zkPath/MyCluster
- Show all state model definitions
curl http://localhost:8100/clusters/MyCluster/StateModelDefs
- Add a state mdoel definition
echo jsonParameters={ "command":"addStateModelDef" }&newStateModelDef={ "id" : "OnlineOffline", "simpleFields" : { "INITIAL_STATE" : "OFFLINE" }, "listFields" : { "STATE_PRIORITY_LIST" : [ "ONLINE", "OFFLINE", "DROPPED" ], "STATE_TRANSITION_PRIORITYLIST" : [ "OFFLINE-ONLINE", "ONLINE-OFFLINE", "OFFLINE-DROPPED" ] }, "mapFields" : { "DROPPED.meta" : { "count" : "-1" }, "OFFLINE.meta" : { "count" : "-1" }, "OFFLINE.next" : { "DROPPED" : "DROPPED", "ONLINE" : "ONLINE" }, "ONLINE.meta" : { "count" : "R" }, "ONLINE.next" : { "DROPPED" : "OFFLINE", "OFFLINE" : "OFFLINE" } } } > newStateModelDef.json curl -d @'./untitled.txt' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:8100/clusters/MyCluster/StateModelDefs
- Show a state model definition
curl http://localhost:8100/clusters/MyCluster/StateModelDefs/OnlineOffline
- Show all contraints
curl http://localhost:8100/clusters/MyCluster/constraints/MESSAGE_CONSTRAINT
- Set a contraint
curl -d 'jsonParameters={"constraintAttributes":"RESOURCE=MyDB,CONSTRAINT_VALUE=1"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8100/clusters/MyCluster/constraints/MESSAGE_CONSTRAINT/MyConstraint
- Remove a constraint
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8100/clusters/MyCluster/constraints/MESSAGE_CONSTRAINT/MyConstraint